July 11, 2012

Damian ft. Bobby brown - Beautiful

i love this song, i hope u too.. :) 

[Verse 1]
And me and she we trampoose a lot
Several mornings she shampoos my locks
Always have my back she stand true to dat
Real type of loving, thank you for that
Yow...run barefoot without no shoes and socks
Cause she keep herself clean mi nah go catch no rash
And she love me for real mi nuh haffi have no cash
And any little thing from mi splish she splash
Yow...all this blinging it's like you forgot
Use cheddar as the bait den you recruit a rat
So we listen couple speech of Martin Luther chat
Dennis Brown, Bob Marley and some Super Cat
Yow...seem like she upside the duko shop
Cause she don't have a scratch it's only beautiful spot
When one duty start is when one duty stop
One nine to five, one five to twelve o'clock
You see me

[Chorus: Bobby Brown]
Here we go again
My love, you know
I will never let you go
My love
Here we go

[Verse 2]
And I remember when we met and we began dating
And everything was copacet' and we began mating
And then the way mi love her good, she gimme don ratings
Because mi style dem plentiful and ah nuh one way thing
And she get belly full and ah nuh pot scrapings
And the closer we become the more she gravitating
Until we buckle down and there is no escaping
Now it typically became an everyday thing
Regularly, physically communicating sexually, scientifically penetrating
Until she start spiritually resonating
Ah so mi know she real and seh she ah nuh play thing
She is the only Queen, the King is designating
And so mi seal the deal I am negotiating
I know it's kinda deep but keep on concentrating
Cause Jazzy lay di beat and I am clearly stating

~ different beat make me enjoy my love life.. because i don't really like melow song, i can say it such a romantic song <3

July 10, 2012

simple but meaningful :)

klo gw bilang gw suka foto, itu bukan gosip *loh* ahaha..

gw org yang suka foto sendiri, ngedit sendiri dan suka sendiri sama hasilnya..
dan sesederhana apa pun foto" itu, sllu punya makna khusus buat gw..
bukan cuma sebuah benda, tp krn gw gk suka nulis kadang gw membuat tulisan menjadi hasil gambar.. beginilah kira" hasilnya :D

July 09, 2012


6 days before Polban test selection. Maybe my passion isn't here but, i'll fight to become part of the refrigeration engineering and air system student there :)
wish this gonna be my year.. God's brought me here so i believe He's working in me.
No regret and no tears anymore. Only pray that i will do now.

I just wanna live the reality and keep my dream to be my last journey :') <3

July 04, 2012

(part 2) teledordordor..

--- pepatah malu bertanya sesat di jalan itu akurat..

si putih udh gk cacat dan gembok udh terbuka :D YEY!

kira" sejam yg lalu temen" gw dtg utk memberi bantuan. tapi, krn kita cewek semua dan kasian jg klo hrus gergajiin gemboknya.. jd gw mengumpulkan keberanian buat minta tolong tukang bangunan di komplek baru deket kosan. 

pas baru mau masuk gerbang, semua mata tertuju pada seorang cewek dgn kaos putih bercelana jins pendek dengan tatapan penuh tanya.. *mungkin gw dikira nyasar* 
kebetulan ada si Aa yg menuju pintu gerbang jd langsung aja gw minta tolong dia. ternyata dia gk bisa ceman-ceman..hm,payah *sok jago*
akhirnya gw minta tolong sma si Aa yg lg motong" besi. karna dia yg gw butuhin.
setelah mengutarakan maksud dan tujuan, sebab dan akibat dari kisah si putih, Aa tukang potong besi bersedia membantu.. YEY lagi !

akhirnya gw kembali ke kos, dan sma tmn" balik lg ke sana ngebawa ban.
dalam waktu *gw lupa ngitung* tapi kira" semenitanlah, si Aa pun berhasil membebaskan ban gw dr gembok.. ahaha, jd gw hrus bilang apa ceman-ceman ?! Nuhun A ! :D

beginilah hasil gergajian si Aa

begitu di kos, ban segera gw dan tmn gw (kak ayas) pasang. jujur aja pertama kalinya gw ngerasain bongkar pasang ban motor ^^ jd cukup puas lah. ternyata Gw BISA !



di pagi yang cerah di hari yang baru.
senin, 02 juli secara lg sendirian gw bangun pagi dengan semangat dan langsung panasin si putih ( si motor)  yang mungkin udh beku krn udara dingin disini..ahaha..

panasin putih selesai. gemok ban biar aman..
tenang bgt ngejalanin hari itu dikosan tanpa takut si putih ilang :)

waktu menunjukan pukul 19, putih kudu dimasukin dlu pikir gw.
dengan pede dan dengan bakat pelupa gw, langsung aja tuh gw mundurin ya pastilnya ban mandek. eng..ing..ong.. dimana kunci gemboknya ??? #jlebmoment

gak panik sih, tp otak gw gak bisa mikir. knp gw gembok klo kunci gak ada?! *oke gw emang teledor*
gw tlp si kakak berharap dia tau dimana kuncinya. hasilnya ? nihil ceman-ceman :) *ni-ce*
udh makin mlm klo gak dimasukin bsa gak tidur gw. jd gw minta tolong bapak kosan untuk bantu gendong si putih.. berat bgt euy ternyata *iyalah motor -.-*
kebetulan ada 2 org tmn kosan baru balik, jd langsung aja pd bantuin.. wlpn gw tau ini memalukan, mungkin semua smbil ngetawain keteledoran anak 19thn dlm hati..
but, dont care lah. i need help.
si putih kita gotong dgn lembut dan penuh kasih sayang ke dalam kosan. 
hufff.... selesai !

besoknya gw bangun gara" khawatir sama si putih. gw minta tolong kak ayas (temen kk gw) untung gergajiin tuh gembok nti siang.
hari selasa itu gk ada hasil, gergajiny apunya bpk kos, bpk kosnya gk ada. pembebasan si putih resmi ditunda..

hri rabu gw bangun lbh pagi, tiba" ibu kos dateng ke kamar dan bilang bpk lg bredelin si putih. kali ini gw panik ------ o..ow! *lari ke bawah* 
suara ibu membuat gw berhenti *gw lupa ada si ibu* -- jd gw jln perlahan.
eeaaa, pas ngelongo dr tangga si putih udh cacat :"(( ! ban dpn udh terlepas..
bpk kos nyuruh bawa ke bengkel aja. *my mind said* omg, please deh pa' itu msh jam stngh 7 dan gw baru aja bangun.

setelah bpk dan ibu masuk rumahnya. gw bopong ban si putih ke kamar..
janjianlah gw sama kak ayas utk benerin siang ini... gmn caranya?.....(to be continue

~si putih saat ini lol~ 

March 13, 2012

More Than This–1D (acoustic)

Maaf ya klo ada penempatan kunci yg kurang pas ^.^
C               G
I'm broken, do you hear me
F              Am              G
I'm blinded, cause you're everything I see
C                G
I'm dancing, alone
F                Am                       G
I'm praying, that your heart will just turn around
And as I walk up to your door,
my eye turns to face the floor,
F                                 G
Cause I can’t look you in the eyes and say
C                                                     G
When he opened his arms and hold you close tonight,
Dm                           Am                                         G
it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this - yeah
C                                                 G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
Dm                          Am                                          G
it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this
Can love you more than this
C                  G
If I louder, would you see me
F                                    Am                  G
And would you lay down, in my arms and rescue me?
C                   G
Cause we are, the same
F                   Am                      G
You saved me, when you leave it scarred again
And then I see you on the street
In his arms, I get weak
F                                              G
My body feels I'm on my knees - praying
C                                                      G
When he opened his arms and hold you close tonight,
Dm                           Am                                          G
it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this - yeah
C                                                  G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
Dm                           Am                                         G
it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this
Bm                               G
I've never had the words to say
But now I'm asking you to stay
For a little while inside my arms
Bm                                   G
And as you close your eyes tonight
I pray that you will see the light
That's shining from the stars above
C                                                       G
When he opened his arms and hold you close tonight,
Dm                           Am                                         G
it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this - yeah
C                                                 G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
Dm                          Am                                          G
it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this - yeah
C                                                      G
When he opened his arms and hold you close tonight,
Dm                            Am                                        G
it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this - yeah
C                                                 G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
Dm                          Am                                          G
it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this
Can love you more than this.
Winking smile Hope you enjoy it !

March 02, 2012




I (always) LOVE US :*

here’s my girls !! LOVE U BOTH SO MUCH..Red lips
and thx to Tasia who made this cutest funny picture.. xx ! Open-mouthed smile
our friendship will be lasting forever………………Red heart

2012 :)

HELLO MARCH ! LOL. it’s the first time in 2012 I posted something new here..

actually I wrote some story but, I don’t get the perfect time to post it. so I decided to deleted it hahahaha..

I live in Bandung now.

it’s good to away from home a while. perfect time to studying to go to college.. and such a perfect place to make new friends Smile

wish me luck ^^ *fingercross*

LOL xx !